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The Living Your Passion Project: Thierry Chow

Who are you?

I'm Thierry Chow, and I'm an artist / designer and Feng Shui apprentice.

What do you do? Tell us about your typical day.

I wake up and have breakfast, I usually walk to work, and I cook when I get home! I love reading a lot, so I usually put on music, and find a good book to read to end the night.

How did it all start? How did you get into this industry?

I've always studied art. I draw and have painted my whole life. When I came back to Hong Kong to work after graduating from university, I had started teaching art. But I've always felt that something was off, and teaching art didn't feel enough for me. So one day this idea suddenly popped into my mind, because it's just so unique. And my father is a Feng Shui master - so I thought to myself "why not?" Not only can I continue the family work, I can also put my artistic twist into it!

What does “Living Your Passion” mean to you?

I think living your passion means to be true to yourself, and I think that's not easy to do. If you want to do something, do it now!

Where do you find inspiration?

I find inspiration from things that touch me emotionally, and that is people and things that gets me crying or laughing. Especially happy things!

Passion or Perseverance? Which is more important in achieving success?

I think both are equally as important. Passion is like having that fire in you, and perseverance is the wood that keeps the fire going.

What keeps you grounded?

Meditation, eating, sleeping, and chatting with my best friends and my other half (now husband!)

Whats the most important piece of advice you can give for someone looking to "take the plunge” and live their passion.

Life is about happiness, and being true to your self is the key to happiness.

Anything exciting coming up in your agenda?

I'm getting married this December, so that's keeping me super busy. But with work - I've just finished setting up my company, and I'm getting ready to launch the company with some of my products, such as carpets, cups, bowls, and clocks.


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